About TOP-electronics

TOP-electronics is a technology-provider, specialized distributor and representative in electronic components, modules and solutions. TOP is partner of a number of hightech world-leading suppliers. TOP-electronics has been providing electronic and electromechanical components for the OEM market since 2005.

In the course of this time TOP-electronics have built up a thorough knowledge of the international market, the customers and the suppliers. This results in a very exquisite range and strong ties with our manufacturers in Europe, Asia and the United States. This is why TOP can deliver the best products with the requested requirements at a good price level and with the right logistic services, like the eStore, buffer stock, etc. Because of TOP's large product portfolio and the fact that the product lines are complementary to each other, TOP can supply many solutions that can be used in one design.

We love to connect… engineers and technology

At the start of a company, people think twice about a logo, name, mission and a long-term business strategy. In the icon of TOP-electronics you can see a mountain and the way to the top with TOP or the road from idea to a successful innovation.

TOP-electronics provides good logistic services but has not a goal to be the leader in electronics trading / brokerage. TOP wants to be your partner and team-up with you to find the best solutions for our existing and new customers. We like to build on a good relationship by providing a high level of assistance, supporting to customers around the world.

Where it starts with an idea TOP like to team-up and work with you thru the design to get the idea in to prototyping that will go in to production.

Because of our diversity in product groups, the technically driven experts and manufacturers who provide the latest electronic solutions the TOP team can help you to create your innovation.

TOP-electronics is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company.  


Arco Snoey, passionate about electronics for 30 years, established TOP-electronics in October 2005, initially specializing in electronic components and modules.

TOP-electronics soon started to be the official partner to a large number of high-tech manufacturers of electronic components, semiconductors and solutions for product groups like: Wireless and IoT, Precision Analog, Motion Control, Sensors and more.

Stability and continuity are of vital importance for TOP, that applies for both business relations and employees. It is important to have an excellent team of employees, who can each contribute towards the business and its customers with their own technical expertise.

Every day the TOP-team create a happy and enthusiastic atmosphere which connect and support customers at the right level.

CEO / founder - Arco Snoey

Global local partner

With offices in The Netherlands, Germany,  Israel, Italy and the UK to support EMEA market, the USA to support North and South America and Hong Kong and Shenzen to support Asia, TOP-electronics is able to support on technical and logistic level at local markets.

So let us know when you have an idea. We would love to support!